
All Digital Transformation Location Intelligence Smart Retail & Loyalty HealthTech PropTech

汇丰150 - 150周年纪念钞
滙豐150 - 150周年紀念鈔
李锦记爽乐及Dao手环 - 玩味健康生活
李錦記爽樂及Dao手環 - 玩味健康生活
LKK HeHa App & Wristband, Dao - Improve health and fitness with pleasure
Cityplaza Xmas 手机应用 - 圣诞寻宝及佳节礼遇
Cityplaza Xmas – Treasure Hunt Game and Festive Offers
Cityplaza Xmas 應用程式 - 聖誕尋寶及佳節禮遇
Smart Telford - 港鐵商場為客戶帶來豐富獎賞
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